Recently a video has gone viral on social media platforms. The video shows an adorable police dog named Brody sleeping through his entire swearing-in service. The brown Labrador was being sworn as a member of the police precinct.
The viral video has more than 63,000 views and has surpassed 1400 likes and 700 shares. The video was originally posted by Bristol Police Department in Rhode Island.
The super cute little Police Dog had joined the services in March. Also, Brody has become a stress buster for his handler, Keith Medeiros and other police officers amid coronavirus outbreak.
Medeiros also told that they put him on the desk that makes him so comfortable that he lay down and fall asleep. He also told that he is an active and playful dog. He also told that he plays and sleeps a lot. Whenever he is not sleeping, he is playing.
He also wanted to expose the little Labrador to the wider population but currently, they have to take care of social-distancing too. Just by walking in the department, Brody brings a smile to all the officers’ faces. They all want to hug him, pet him and keep him with them.
Little Brody is a great source of inspiration for all. And we should all learn from him to stay positive in adverse situations also. As the world is battling with the coronavirus pandemic, it is our duty to keep ourselves calm and be optimistic!
The post Police Dog Brody and his adorable swearing-in service appeared first on Hiptoro.
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