Thursday, August 8, 2019

WWE Planning to Cancel Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns?

Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns has the potential to become one of the biggest rivalries of the company if WWE plays all its cards right. However, it is strange that two of the biggest stars in the company do not have a match at the second biggest PPV of the year! While there were rumors that the two will face off at SummerSlam, it appears that the plans have now been cancelled.

Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns WWE SummerSlam

Image SkySports

Let us take a closer look at this and see what the two will do at the event.

WWE Planning to Cancel Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns at SummerSlam?

WWE’s plans to cancel the match were evident when an announcement wasn’t made either on SmackDown, or following it. It appears that the company was running one episode too late for this storyline to mature and they have decided to give the storyline preference over putting the two in a random match.

Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns

Image SuperLuchas

This will be a slow buildup where Bryan tries to get into the head of Reigns by harassing him with these attacks until Roman finally loses it and attacks Bryan. WWE is trying to portray Daniel Bryan as the sinister mastermind here and ultimately when we get Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns, the match will be one for the ages!

What is Daniel Bryan’s “Career Changing” Announcement?

This is another storyline that has been scrapped by the WWE! They teased it for two weeks and then just said that Bryan doesn’t want to make this announcement anymore.

Daniel Bryan WWE SummerSlam 2019

Image SkySports

Reportedly, the storyline has been dropped by last-minute changes made by Vince McMahon and the Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns storyline will continue for the months to follow.

The post WWE Planning to Cancel Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns? appeared first on Hiptoro.

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