Saturday, June 1, 2019

George RR Martin says no to finishing ‘The Winds of Winter’ in New Zealand

The Winds of Winter has been due for a release date for a while now. In the light of which the GOT book author, George R.R. Martin, was recently offered a fully paid trip to New Zealand so that he can finish his book in peace.

HBO’s epic “Game of Thrones” season 8 opening saw huge excitement from the fans. However, the finale received mixed reactions and disappointment notes from fans.

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In a report, fans have filed a petition to redo the entire season 8. The petition has received over million signatures by the fans. The main reason behind launching the petition was “unmet expectations” by the fans.

Fans urge Martin to complete “A Song of Ice and Fire”

George RR Martin GOT BOOKS

The “Game of Thrones” season 8 finale witnessed over 19.3 million viewership. The television series was inspired by George RR Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” saga.

Fans turned to author George RR Martin to make some progress in completing the saga. The latest post by author George RR Martin gives the nod to the fans.

Game of Thrones author George RR Martin assured fans to be continuously working on finishing the remaining installment of the saga. He also confirmed that the release would be at the soonest possible time.

George RR Martin’s reply to Air New Zealand’s generous invitation


Air New Zealand produced an open invitation to the author George RR Martin to fly to New Zealand for free. Air New Zealand’s generous gesture rooted the author to finish his last two novels in a country surrounded by beauty and peace.

Author George RR Martin politely declined the generous offer made by Air New Zealand. He cited that he would be distracted by the beauty and won’t be able to focus on finishing his last two novels – “Winds of Winter” and “A Dream of Spring.”

“Could well afford to fly”: George RR Martin


In the final statement, George RR Martin said he could well afford to fly to New Zealand by himself. He suggested to Air New Zealand, to extend the invite to 30 or 50 other authors, who would appreciate taking up the opportunity in his place.

Although the author has refrained from committing to any release date, fans hope George RR Martin is close to finishing “Winds of Winter.”

“A Dance of Dragon” was George RR Martin’s last book to be released in 2011.

The post George RR Martin says no to finishing ‘The Winds of Winter’ in New Zealand appeared first on Hiptoro.

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