Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mayweather vs Pacquiao on Hold: Danny Garcia Likely to Fight Pacquiao?

Floyd Mayweather faced Manny Pacquiao in one of the final matches of his career back in May 2015. Both of them haven’t really faced off since and while Mayweather has since retired, Pacquiao continues to box sporadically. However, all hopes for a Mayweather vs Pacquiao II are now put to rest as Danny Garcia is likely to be Pacquiao’s next opponent.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao II

Image: WSJ

Let us take a closer look at this and see if this means that the doors for a Mayweather rematch are permanently shut for Pacquiao:

[This post contains video, click to play]

Mayweather vs Pacquiao 2 Cancelled?

Floyd Mayweather was expected to face Pacquiao for one last time. While Mayweather retired after his match with Conor McGregor which took him to an undefeated 50-0 streak, ‘The Money’ was still expected to face off with Pacquiao for one last time. Now that Danny Garcia has stepped up, word is that Pacquiao will face him instead.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Cancelled

Image: FightSaga

Earlier, Mayweather visited The Philippines, but the two did not really face off. It was heavily anticipated that his surprise result would lead to the setting up of Mayweather vs Pacquiao II.

Mayweather and Pacquiao: Two Busy Men!

There are also speculations that Keith Thurman might actually be Pacquiao’s next opponent. In this case, Danny Garcia would be next. Basically, the bottom line is that Pacquiao, who continues to box, has two opponents lined up. Errol Spence Jr.’s name also popped up recently.

Mayweather vs Pacquiao Danny Garcia

Image: Skysports

Floyd Mayweather, on the other hand, has retired as the biggest name in boxing and now lives his life as an entrepreneur. You can kiss all hopes of Mayweather vs Pacquiao rematch goodbye!


The post Mayweather vs Pacquiao on Hold: Danny Garcia Likely to Fight Pacquiao? appeared first on Hiptoro.

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