Sunday, April 21, 2019

Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers: This is how Night King will die

It got pretty scary when Game of Thrones season 8 premiere featured the tragic incident of the Umber boy. The way his blue eyes opened in the background and how badly he screamed.

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The White Walkers left behind that recurring spiral pattern on the wall. But what does it signify? Are they giving away the secret to their end? According to a clever fan theory by Redditor zyuko22, the shadow may have given away how the Night King will be defeated.

Zyuko22 pointed out the Game of Thrones season 8 spoiler that the spiral was also shown in the scene when the first White Walker was created by the Children of the Forest. A weirwood tree was surrounded by the spiral and the Children bound a man to the tree and turned him into a White Walker by stabbing him with a dragon glass.

There is another symbol that the White Walkers and the Children inscribed in several parts of Westeros. It is a circle with a line through it. As per the speculations, it represents the Gods Eye, which is a huge lake in southern Westeros. The Isle of Faces is also located at the center of that lake. The Children signed a peace treaty with the First Men. This is no ordinary place. In fact, it’s a huge grove of weirwood trees.

What should be done to kill the Night King in Game of Thrones season 8?

Game of Thrones season 8 spoiler

Credits: Buzz Feed

According to zyuko22’s theory, the spiral signifies the Grand Weirwood Tree which is a sort of the heart of all the weirwoods in Westeros located in the Gods Eye. This is the place where all the weirwoods derive their magical powers from. Therefore, it could mean that it is the source of the power of the Children of the Forest and the White Walkers as well.

Beric’s act of plunging a flaming sword into the Umber boy could lead to the spoiler that burning the Grand Weirwood will be the end of the Night King and the White Walkers in Game of Thrones season 8.

Alright since you won’t let me post the picture that refers directly to this, here’s what I wrote a couple days ago as I was coming up with the theory. Plus extra
——— I might have just figured out the ending and how to kill the Night King. GoT is all about foreshadowing… and they just showed Beric Dondarrion put a flaming sword through a wight in the middle of the symbol that represents a Weirwood Tree. Game of thrones loves to intricately foreshadow outcomes, but ironically in plain sight.
——— At first thought, i figured they will need to burn the Weirwood tree to which the Night King was bound as the Children of the Forest created him. But after looking through that scene in s6 ep5, The Door, i noticed in the background that one mountain shaped like an arrow head. This would place that location north of the wall and contradict the other symbol that has been known to, The Gods Eye (circle with a vertical line through it)(which is actually shown for the first time in the very first scene of season 1 episode 1)
——— The Gods Eye is a geographic area located slightly northwest of Kings Landing. Its said the Gods Eye is of great importance as it relates to the Children of the Forest and the Weirwood Trees. I speculate that this mysterious plot of lake/island combo houses the source of power that fuels weirwood network. What i envision is some kinda tree of life, one ive been referring to as The Grand Weirwood. The children of the forest draw their power from the weirwoods, and since the children created the Night King, it would infer the white walkers are powered by the same source.
——— So connecting it all, I think the wight that beric killed is a representation of the Night Kings power. The “Weirwood” symbol it was centered on indicates the Grand Weirwood located on Gods Eye is the main source of that power. In order to shut off the night king, they will need to burn down “The Grand Weirwood” with a flaming sword. Im guessing Jon will be the one who pulls it off so Beric will eventually teach Jon how to get the fire sword.
——— Back to the scene, the fire from berics sword then started traveling along the spiral outlets, indicating all things drawing power from the Grand Weirwood will die as well. This comes with a few possible drawbacks.
——— I believe the Children of the Forest also created the Three-eyed raven in a response to their creation of the white walkers. I speculate we’re eventually going to learn this was a countermeasure once the children realized the were too much. The Three-Eyed Raven was meant to be an all-knowing library of knowledge, specifically created to house the memory for defeating the Night King. Its almost as if they knew the white walker concept would become lost to men and/or they couldnt trust even something like the citadel to convey the knowledge when it counts. So this would mean bran would be a shoe-in to die as well.
——— Going even further, I also think the Lord of light is synonymous with the Grand Weirwood, and uses these Weirwoods as a beacon to communicate with the physical world. In other words, i think even though these are two separately practiced religions, the god at the center of both is the same entity.
((Children of the forest can communicate directly through the trees. For men, it can only be translated by staring at fire. And on the other side of that, it seems they can only contact the lord of light by offering something to burn. Almost like “give some blood/hair, receive some magic in return”. Ex) Melisandre taking gendry blood, Melisandre cutting jons hair before she revived him, Beric using his blood to ignite his sword on fire, etc… They all utilize the fire. ))
——— If true, then Jon and Beric would be vulnerable as well. This is because the power keeping them from dying would then be cut off from the Lord of Light as the Grand weirwood is burned down.
((If the dragons use this as a source of power, then they are dead too. But I’m less inclined to think they are included. Nevertheless, basically everything that has to do with magic will disappear.))
——— Since killing all these characters at once would be stupid, I could see Beric dying early. However beforehand, he tells jon that to get the power of the firesword, you gotta kill someone you love yady yadda… so prob gonna kill dany or something. And at some other point, i see bran dying because no way a paralyzed kid in a wheelchair survives when a wave of zombies come crashing through. It will be along those lines when bran finally reveals what Jon must do, and thats to take that Flaming sword and burn down the Grand Weirwood, knowing he will die in the process.
——— Pretty sure that would create for a bittersweet ending ———
Additionally: There were two clues in season 7 that came to fruition, coincidentally both those included fire as well.
one was when the Hound looked in the fire in s7 ep1. He said he saw a wall of ice, dead marching past and it was by east watch by the sea. As soon as he said east watch, the firewood popped. I then went on to state how this foreshadows the wall eventually coming down at East Watch by the Sea. That prediction came to fruition.
-the other was during s7 ep6, the Beyond the Wall episode. Right at the beginning, the camera panned along the carved Westeros table located on dragon stone. They were panning from the south of Westeros up to the north. In this shot, it conveniently had the fireplace in the background positioned directly north of where the Wall is carved on the table. I stated how this foreshadows a massive fire fight above the wall. The dragons later that episode started shooting plumes of fire north of the wall. This prediction came to fruition as well.
-so now I’m thinkin we were just given our next clue with the Weirwood symbol; this one also including fire.
A method for revealing clues through fire is definitely intentional and meant to convey a deeper theme within game of thrones. Just as the characters in the show stare in the fire and visualize prophecies, I believe the writers thought it would be metaphorical to have a fire as the medium for revealing to the viewers some type of forthcoming event as well. It all sounds too much like poetic justice for it to be a bunch of bologna.
—side note— if jon and dany die, im callin brienne of tarth is the next in line for the throne. sams gonna look for the next closest to a targaryen to sit on the throne, and stumble on the fact that tarths have blood ties to the targaryens. This finally revealing brienne actually has some targaryen in her, and is the third dragon… i mean talk about hidden in plain sight… shes got the targaryen hair…

The post Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers: This is how Night King will die appeared first on Hiptoro.

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