A Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 review brings some alarming facts to light! Now in its final season, the show has become more intense than ever before as all major characters are closing in towards the end of their respective storylines. The second episode of the show is all set to take things to the next level!
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Image Daily Express
Let us take a closer look at GoT Season 8 Episode 2 and see what is in store for us in this forthcoming episode of the show.
Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 2 Review: Here’s What We Expect
Here are some things that are likely to happen in episode 2:
Jaime goes through a trial by combat

Image Forbes
Jaime Lannister and Daenerys are all set to come face-to-face for the first time. Given that Jaime killed her father, she’s not going to show mercy to him. However, Jaime is likely to undergo a trial by combat where Brienne of Tarth may come to his rescue.
tensions between Sansa and Daenerys Increase
Another aspect of our Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 review is the relationship between Sansa and Daenerys. They are not on good terms and the tensions are likely to increase as Dany begins to exert her status as the Queen of Winterfell (and claimant to the Iron Throne).

Image IGN
The War Begins
The Night King and his army of the undead will finally invade Winterfell. Jon Snow, Daenerys, and their armies are likely to begin the fight with the Night King towards the end of the second episode.
The post Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2 review: Trouble for Jamie appeared first on Hiptoro.
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