Betty just celebrated her 99th birthday, and the lady is still growing strong.
If there ever was a poll taken of most beloved actresses of all time, undeniably Betty White would be in the list.
Born on the 17th of January, 1922, the actress was a single child to be born in a family who then lived in Illinois. Soon after her birth, the family moved to Los Angeles.
“Life With Elizabeth.” was her first television show which she bagged in the early 1950s.
But it was “The Mary Tyler Show” that gave her eight decade long career a boost.
This show really got the other side of her personality out. People realized that behind her sweet smile there was a sharp wit that kept the people around her on their toes.
Most of you would remember her from “The Golden Girls” that Betty is most well-known for. The plot of the show was based on the lives of four elderly female friends. It aired for seven seasons on the television.
It won several awards including an Emmy for Betty.
She worked hard for many years. But in 2010, her cancer took off again and made it difficult for her to keep up in the business.
Her popularity through a Facebook campaign launched her to become the oldest person to host Saturday Night Live.
Although, she was a bit reluctant at the beginning of the show.
“It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. It was really funny stuff, but it was a challenge.”
For Betty, her most important and defining work is her charity work for animals.
“I have to keep acting so that I can afford to keep doing my charity work!”
She will be the first to admit that animals are her greatest passion.
For nearly 40 years, she has worked closely with the Morris Animal Foundation and the Los Angeles Zoo.
She has said,
“I’m actually the luckiest old broad alive. Half my life is working in a profession I love and the other half is working with animals.”
Betty’s friend, Tom Sullivan, is quoted saying,
“I believe Betty White can charm the savage beast. Though Betty always treats people with dignity, respect, and charm, she has a far closer relationship to animals than she does people.”
She had also shared a story about how her entire family used to pack and go for the campaign in the High Sierras and never see any humans. He parents had a deep love for animals.
“I think they were so disappointed when I was a baby that they had a baby and not a little animal.”
Another gentleman said,
“Betty is going to be remembered as a very kind person, a loving person, an extremely terrific actress and comedian. But I think she really wants to be remembered as one who gave most of her life to animals.’
It comes at no surprise that she feels at home spending time with animals. In the video that we share below, Betty is shown sitting next to a giant brown bear named Bam Bam at the Los Angeles Zoo.
Watch her incredible interaction with the giant bear in the video below! Truly there is no one like Betty White!
The post Betty White Gives Giant Grizzly Bear A Kiss appeared first on Hiptoro.
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