Saturday, December 5, 2020

Japanese Illustrator Imagines A World Where Humans Live Among Giant Animals (30 Pics)

Have you ever thought about what the world would look like if animals were much bigger in size? If not, don’t worry because there is a 24-years-old Japanese artist who is showing us how the world would look if animals were giant in size. He has got inspired by “Totoro” & “Princess Mononoke” and now, he is drawing amazing illustrations. 

This artist from Japan is really good at whatever he does. And he can easily draw interesting images of rabbits, dogs, pandas, cats, and more. If you are excited to see this fancy world, you can scroll down. 


This beautiful black feline is showing off her amazing skills and challenging ‘you can’t do that, human, can you?’


“In Japanese mythology, grain farmers once worshipped wolves at shrines and left food offerings near their dens, beseeching them to protect their crops from wild boars and deer. Talismans and charms adorned with images of wolves were thought to protect against fire, disease, and other calamities and brought fertility to agrarian communities and to couples hoping to have children. The Ainu people believed that they were born from the union of a wolf-like creature and a goddess.”


This picture shows a girl trying to hug her cat. But the kitten combats the physical contact with a NOPE card.


This picture shows the art of camouflage. Also, the black cat even managed to find a blue blob friend while hiding itself.


This is a world where you can sleep on a giant furball. Awww, the perfect world!


This one is the gloomy part, which shows a Korean crow-tit (Baepsae). It is commonly said that ‘the crow tit will break its legs trying to walk like a stork’.


This stray cat is looking for a place that it can call home. And people are trying to attract her with several things.


This picture shows a peaceful afternoon with falling leaves.


Here a hero is crossing the path and a black fur ball of shadow appears in between.


In Japanese culture, a fox is seen as a messenger, a servant, and more.


In the Japanese tradition, foxes are also seen as intelligent beings with amazing powers.


Moon rabbits are popularly seen in Asian folklore.


“Japan perceives the butterfly to be a ‘soul of the living and the dead’, as a result of the popular belief that spirits of the dead take the form of a butterfly when on their journey to the other world and eternal life. The butterfly is also often used as a symbol for young girls as they spread their wings and emerge into womanhood, as well as it being believed to symbolize joy and longevity.”


The Kawachi Fuji Gardens in Kitakyushu, Japan is one of the stunning places where you can find different species of plants.


In this picture, a cat is lying peacefully with the reoccurring protagonist – the blue blob.



This picture shows a popular folklore character, i.e., tanukis. This character is known for taking the shape of any form.




This is Shiba Inu, one of Japan’s popular dog breeds.



In Japanese culture, furry cats are seen as a symbol of good luck. Also, people believe that the Japanese cat, figurine maneki-neko, always brings blessings.




It’s a sleeping owl that is facing the unpleasant and cold winter all by itself.






Another popular Japanese folklore character is Inoshishi, the bore. It is also called yamakujira, which means “the whale of the mountains”.

The post Japanese Illustrator Imagines A World Where Humans Live Among Giant Animals (30 Pics) appeared first on Hiptoro.

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