Tuesday, October 13, 2020

20+ Photos That Prove Time Shows No Mercy

There’s no doubt that time flies fast, and we are so busy in our lives that we barely observe the changes surrounding us. We cross some unexpected moments which make us accept how brutal time can be.

We have brought you 20+ pictures showing the power that time brings along with it. Many are crazy while few remind us of the importance of time along with the memories that live on with us.

A decade-old banana my dad found in his ski jacket

A decade-old banana my dad found in his ski jacket

This deodorant was opened 3 years after it was purchased

This deodorant was opened 3 years after it was purchased

Shoes that have been worn every day for 8 years, besides a new identical pair

Shoes that have been worn every day for 8 years, beside a new identical pair

These jeans remember 2 phones of mine

These jeans remember 2 phones of mine

Markings, from people’s heads, on the wall of a lecture hall

Markings, from people’s heads, on the wall of a lecture hall

The gate and its path in the brick

The gate and its path in the brick

Dried up salt water turned into squares

Dried up salt water turned into squares

We still have this small pumpkin my wife carved 3 years ago

We still have this small pumpkin my wife carved 3 years ago

On the left, is a toy giraffe that I got 29 years ago. On the right, is the identical giraffe that my son has

On the left, is a toy giraffe that I got 29 years ago. On the right, is the identical giraffe that my son has

These M&Ms had been sitting there for over 10 years

These M&Ms had been sitting there for over 10 years

This key that’s been sitting in a lock since 1982

This key that's been sitting in a lock since 1982

New vs old

New vs old

This is a towel that in 30 years has survived 13 moves, a lightning strike, and countless washes. And it’s still as good as new!

This is a towel that in 30 years has survived 13 moves, a lightning strike, and countless washes. And it's still as good as new!

The chains have worn into the stone

The chains have worn into the stone

The floor has worn out where people have been standing in this shop

The floor has worn out where people have been standing in this shop

This key that I’ve worn as a necklace almost every day over the past seven years finally wore through today

This key that I’ve worn as a necklace almost everyday over the past seven years finally wore through today

Each bottle in this row is the same whiskey matured in the cask for one more year than the last

Each bottle in this row is the same whiskey matured in the cask for one more year than the last

These bags of cement were forgotten in the rain and hardened. They’ve now become stones

These bags of cement were forgotten in the rain and hardened

Took my dad to see if his first car was still where he left it 40 years ago and It was

Took my dad to see if his first car was still where he left it 40 years ago

One pillowcase had been used nearly every day for 40 years. The other had been in a closet

One pillowcase had been used nearly every day for 40 years

The metal on these parts of my bag rubbed away over 10 years

Every day for 20 years Chinese monk Hua Chi knelt to do his prayers so many times during the day that his footprints remained ingrained into the wooden floor of the temple

Every day for 20 years Chinese monk Hua Chi knelt to do his prayers so many times during the day that his footprints remained ingrained into the wooden floor of the temple

This can have been sitting in a cup holder for two years

This can had been sitting in a cup holder for two years

My dad kept a bottle of children’s aspirin from my childhood for 45 years

My dad kept a bottle of children’s aspirin from my childhood for 45 years

This pipe shows six months of mineral build-up

This pipe shows six months of mineral build up

This man’s skin damage on the left side of his face after 28 years of truck driving

This man's skin damage on the left side of his face after 28 years of truck driving

This is what 30 years of graffiti looks like

This is what 30 years of graffiti looks like

Surrounding us are some crazy and unique pieces of stuff that many of us has shared on the internet. Tell us your experience with unique and timely change things that you have captured.

The post 20+ Photos That Prove Time Shows No Mercy appeared first on Hiptoro.

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