Thursday, May 21, 2020

2020 iPhone Surprise As New Apple iPhone 12 Release Disclosed

Apple iPhone as always surprised people with new and upgraded technology. It has been one of the most trustworthy brands around the world. Recently as per the information by Forbes, Apple’s iPhone 12 upgrade is to be released. According to the new information which has revealed that Apple is planning to release them.

As it is being independently confirmed by two, well-connected sources- Ross Young and Jon Prosser(highly accurate). They mentioned that Apple is going to delay the launch of the iPhone 12 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

iPhone 12 is arriving soon!

To a bigger surprise now people will not have to wait for a usually long time to get the phone in their hands.

Samsung insider Ross Young explained-

“iPhone 12 panel production will start around 6 weeks late, so rather than early June, it won’t start till the end of July which should imply a delay in the iPhone 12 launch from September to October.”

iphone 12 pro

And Front Page Tech’s Jon Prosser informed with wrap –

“Regardless of what you’ve heard elsewhere, we will not be getting it in September, iPhone 12 is delayed. We’re going to be getting it in October… [but] instead of having announcements in September and then it comes out in October, it looks like they’ll shoot for all of it happening in October.”

As updated on May 20, 2020, by Forbes- John Prosser mentioned that Apple would hopefully launch all the products simultaneously this year in the month of October. But it is not yet guaranteed.

So, it is cleared that Apple is pulling hard to overcome all the obstacles that would affect the delivery of these smartphones to retailers. Nevertheless, Apple fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the iPhone 12 as fast as possible.

To the biggest surprise, this time Apple has introduced some biggest changes in its design in the past three years. As an add-on to its specifications, 5G has been bungled up in all the iPhone devices.

On top of this, all iPhones will have an upgraded version of its specifications. Like the camera, Apples’s new LiDAR sensor, and will have the cheapest entry-level price in a decade. And maybe a lot more!

The post 2020 iPhone Surprise As New Apple iPhone 12 Release Disclosed appeared first on Hiptoro.

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