Tuesday, May 19, 2020

10+ Dogs Who Realized They Are Going To Vet, Not Dog Park

If you are a dog owner, you will probably relate to the struggle of taking it to a vet. And we all can feel the same because even humans are scared of visiting a doctor. And obviously, if humans can’t bear the pain of being at a doctor’s place, what could happen on taking a dog to a vet. Believe us, you will probably laugh out loud after watching the pictures of these cute dogs.

Many owners often get caught in a dilemma as they don’t want their puppies to feel betrayed. But, if they tell them where they are taking them, they will probably never go! So what should they do? We believe one should let them know so that the poor creatures can get some time to mentally prepare themselves to see a vet.

Taking a dog to a vet might become a tedious task if accidentally they come to know about it. The dog owners have to try various tricks to keep them busy and unaware of this fact often. Because if they come to know, they’ll probably turn the house upside down. And we have curated all those funny pictures for you where the dogs came to know they were going to a vet. Scroll down to roll on the floor laughing!

#1 Reaction when the little bundle comes to know about its first visit to the vet

Reaction when the little bundle comes to know about its first visit to the vet

#2 The pain of betrayal! When you visit a vet instead of Dog Park

The pain of betrayal! When you visit a vet instead of Dog Park

#3 Jack thinks he might get rid of the doc if he doesn’t see him

Jpe thinks he might get rid of his doctor if he doesn't see him

#4 Scared Big Boye waits to see the vet

Scared Big Boye waits to see the vet

#5 Taking a different route to see the vet works till you take the last turn!

Taking a different route to see the vet works till you take the last turn!

#6 The reaction when you realize the doctor will see you soon!

The reaction when you realize the doctor will soon see you!

#7 Corgi finds something fishy!

Corgi finds something fishy!

#8 Exact moment when you realize you aren’t going to a park

Exact moment when you realize you aren't going to a park

#9 Grr! She’s angry about the visit to the vet!

Grr! She's angry about the visit to the vet!

#10 The reaction when you innocently tell your dog about where you’re heading

The reaction when you innocently tell your dog about where you're heading

#11 The innocent face when you come to know about your visit to a veterinarian

The innocent face when you come to know about your visit to a veterinarian

#12 Let’s try to escape before the vet’s appointment

Let's try to escape before the vet's appointment

#13 The perfect corner to hide from your doctor

The perfect corner to hide from your doctor

#14 C’mon I know you are taking me to the vet!

C'mon I know you are taking me to the vet!

#15 Some doggos are so nervous about seeing a doctor

Some doggos are so nervous about seeing a doctor

We know that you are probably laughing right now after seeing these cute funny reactions. Imagine how humorous it would be to catch them live. And you might be planning to adopt one of the cute doggos to spend time with them. But be aware while taking them to a vet! They might give you hilarious reactions!


The post 10+ Dogs Who Realized They Are Going To Vet, Not Dog Park appeared first on Hiptoro.

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