Wednesday, October 9, 2019

NBA 2K20 Infested with Bug Problems, New Update to Solve Issues

NBA 2K20 is the latest game in the iconic NBA 2K games series. This is one of the most iconic gaming franchises, having first started off in 1999 – and this is the 21st game in the line. However, while fans were excited for this gen-next NBA game, it has actually been quite underwhelming so far, thanks to the presence of a large number of bugs and glitches which have really hampered the gaming experience!

NBA 2K20

Image NewEgg

Let us take a closer look at why the gamers are so upset with the developers and by when can we expect a fix to these bugs.

NBA 2K20 Disappoints Gamers Over Bug Issues!

There have been a large number of bugs in the game, including those related to shooting and performing the most basic of tasks in NBA! Another huge issue has been that of badge progressions as it seems to just take forever to progress. There’s no multi-badge system here either! Gamers have since demanded these bugs to be fixed as soon as possible. However, there’s one more major problem:

NBA 2K20 for XBOX One PS4

Image Steam

Multiplayer gaming is also a horrible experience this year – as gamers have complained that it is taking a really long time to connect up with fellow gamers and the waiting time is way too long.

When Will the Bug Fix Release?

NBA 2K20 My Career

Image Microsoft

Given that NBA 2K20 is already over a month old, the right time for the update to come out would have been a few months ago. However, it is expected that a new update providing at least some bug fixes will be out before mid-October, i.e. next week.

The post NBA 2K20 Infested with Bug Problems, New Update to Solve Issues appeared first on Hiptoro.

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