Tuesday, September 10, 2019

John Bolton Replacements: Donald Trump on The Lookout For New National Security Advisor

Citing that he (as well as a number of other people in the government) were unhappy with some decisions made by National Security Adviser John Bolton, President Trump has finally asked him to resign. Bolton becomes the third NSA to be made to resign under the Trump Presidency. The hunt now begins for the fourth man to hold this office.

NSA John Bolton Fired

Image Politico

Let us take a closer look at the top three contenders who might become the fourth National Security Adviser under President Trump.

Charles M. Kupperman

A veteran officer having been involved with the government since the Reagen administration, Kupperman’s name is being touted as the next NSA who is likely to replace John Bolton.

Charles Kupperman John Bolton

Image themaven

In January, he was appointed Bolton’s deputy and is likely to take over soon. He is currently the ‘acting successor’ to Bolton.

Brian H. Hook

Brian H. Hook is a senior adviser to Mike Pompeo and another influential man in the Trump administration. Hook is currently the special representative for Iran and is a seasoned administrator. With Trump being happy on the Iran situation being handled by Hook, he might as well become the fourth Trump NSA.

Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster
Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster

Image TimeMagazine

Now, this is one of the most controversial names in the list. Earlier there were disagreements between McMaster and President Trump, leading to the former being ousted from the White House. However, reports point out that Trump continues to have some sort of a working relationship with him – having consulted him about security affairs at least on one occasion in the past. Could he be the next NSA after John Bolton?

The post John Bolton Replacements: Donald Trump on The Lookout For New National Security Advisor appeared first on Hiptoro.

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