Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Winds of Winter release date news: George R.R.Martin drops a truth bomb on GOT book fans and it’s not pretty

George R.R.Martin  has just dropped a horrible bomb on the Game of Thrones book fans. The Fans, who were expecting updates about the last two books of The Winds of Winter. And this news is even worse than the ending of Game of Thrones.

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Rumors about George R.R.Martin’s GOT books


It looks like Winter is going to come and even get over before Martin finishes the last two books of The Song of Ice and Fire series. Recently, Ian McElhinney (Barristen Selmy) claimed that Martin has finished writing the last two books of the series. And everyone assumed that he and HBO were holding it back so that Game of Thrones would end first. Martin denied any such rumors, but he dropped a horrible bomb instead.

What did George R.R.Martin say about the launch of the Wind of Winter and A Dream of Spring?

George R.R.Martin vehemently denied any allegations of him ending BOTH the books. He posted on his blog that he is not going to promote this false information anymore. Of course, we can understand the pressure he has been facing. But, there have many sources which have quoted McElhinney saying that the books will be launched in 2-3 months after the show ends.

When are the GOT books going to release?

But, the way Martin has denied this claim might contain bad news for the fans who are expecting. Martin said that The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring have not been completed. He said, “Dream has not even begun till now.” He added that he is not going to start writing the seventh volume before he finishes the sixth one.

The Winds of Winter release date update George R.R.Martin

Well, this is bad news for the avid readers of his books. Martin has already missed a couple of deadlines. It has been eight long years since the previous book had arrived. And people were expecting that George R.R.Martin was writing the last two books simultaneously.

So, there has been no launch date for The Winds of Winter and Martin has claimed that he’s not done with it. And it’s not like it will get done when he gets done with it. The books will be edited, formatted, and printed. And let’s not even start with the multiple foreign translations. It’s bad enough that every book in the series has taken longer than the previous one to release. So, fans will be hoping that A Dream of Spring does not get held up for a decade now.

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