Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cancer news: Vitamin D may help increase life expectancy of cancer patients

According to the latest research, cancer patients might live longer if they take Vitamin D supplements along with their usual treatment.

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Researchers at Michigan State University in East Lansing have been analyzing the data from randomized controlled trials of cancer patients for 3 years. The trials aimed to study the difference in therapeutic relief between people who were taking Vitamin D supplements for the duration of the trial and people who were taking a placebo.

The researchers studied 10 trials focused on nearly 80,000 people with an average age of 68 years. 78% of the patients were female.

Link found between Vitamin D and cancer deaths

The research found that there is an important link between the use of Vitamin D supplements and decrease in cancer-related deaths over the years. The analyses revealed that people who were taking these supplements were 13% less likely to die from cancer.

However, they did not find any correlation between Vitamin D and prevention of cancer.

The findings were revealed at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology which was held in Chicago, Illinois on June 3. The data is published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The lead author speaks out

Tarek Haykal, a doctor in internal medicine and one of the lead authors said,

“The difference in the mortality rate between the vitamin D and placebo groups was statistically significant enough that it showed just how important it might be among the cancer population,”

Although the results of this study look promising, scientists still have to answer a lot of questions before anything can be done about this discovery. Dr. Haykal has said that they need to determine the correct therapeutic dosage as well as the blood levels of Vitamin D before anything can be said with certainty.

He also added that they need to investigate exactly how many years of life can be added to people suffering from cancer if they take Vitamin D. Moreover, they are yet to figure out the exact mechanism of action behind the process.

The post Cancer news: Vitamin D may help increase life expectancy of cancer patients appeared first on Hiptoro.

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