Wednesday, May 22, 2019

The Winds of Winter release date update: George R.R.Martin talks about recent rumours

The Winds of Winter is going to release very soon. But when? No one knows. Fans have been waiting for a couple of years now. But, there has been no official announcement yet. There were some previous rumours that George R.R.Martin has finished writing the last two books of The Song of Ice and Fire series. But, he was holding them back because Game of Thrones had to end first.

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The Winds of Winter release date George RR Martin

How did the Winds of Winter release date rumour get started?

The rumour was particularly shocking to the fans. Because they have been waiting for quite some time now. And the fact that the Winds of Winter has already been completed but cannot be released due to the show was quite shocking. This rumour began spreading when Ian McElhinney’s interview got posted online. He is also a part of Game of Thrones. So, in the interview, he said that Martin has completed the sixth book in A Song of Ice and Fire series. But, he will wait to make the announcement until Game of Thrones ends.

The Winds of Winter release date George RR Martin

When will the last two books release?

But, this statement came into a direct contradiction with what Martin told Entertainment Tonight. Last month, he had an interview with them when the final season of Game of Thrones premiered. In that interview, he confirmed that he has not decided on a publishing date for The Winds of Winter. He even refused to give an estimated date because he didn’t want to disappoint his fans anymore.

“I have given up completely on giving out dates. I miss out on those dates and ultimately everyone gets mad,” Martin said.

The Winds of Winter release date George RR Martin

What does Martin have to say about The Winds of Winter?

But recently, he clearly mentioned in his blog that he is not ready to publish the final books of the series. He even called internet journalism, an ‘oxymoron’.

Martin wrote that The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring are not done yet. He also mentioned that the latter hasn’t even been started. He found it absurd that he had to state that he will start writing volume seven after he finishes volume six. Well, the man has a point.

The post The Winds of Winter release date update: George R.R.Martin talks about recent rumours appeared first on Hiptoro.

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