Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Possible Terrorist Attack in Toulouse, France as Armed Man Takes a Number of Hostages

Recent reports indicate that there just might have been a major terror attack in Toulouse, France. An armed man has taken at least four people hostage and has held them in a store. As of this writing things appear to be unclear as to what the man wants and if he is affiliated to a terror organization. The story is just breaking and more details are awaited.

Toulouse France Terror attack hostage

Image Sky

Here are some inputs that we have so far on this Toulouse terror attack:

Man Takes People Hostage in Toulouse

Reports from French media houses point out that four people have been taken as hostage inside a convenience store in Blagnac, near Toulouse airport. Some reports have profiled the attacker to be a 17-year-old man. The local police have already taken strong measures to control the attack but it is an ongoing situation.

Toulouse France Terror hostage

Image Sky

Hostages were seized by the attacker at 4:20 PM local time (2:30 PM GMT). Reuters reports point out that the attacker has fired at least one shot at the elite RAID officers that have surrounded the store. Reports from local websites point out that multiple shots have been fired. The police have since asked citizens to evacuate the neighbouring area.

France Under Terror?

Toulouse France Terror attack

Image Sky

Terror attacks have been on a rise all over the world. After the recent shootings at New Zealand, bombs went off across multiple Churches in Sri Lanka. Toulouse in France is the latest city to be attacked by a terrorist. Stay tuned with us for more information as more details on this attack emerge.

The post Possible Terrorist Attack in Toulouse, France as Armed Man Takes a Number of Hostages appeared first on Hiptoro.

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