Monday, May 13, 2019

Nike Fit: Augmented Reality Feature To Know Your Exact Shoe Size

Nike’s quality when it comes to their footwear labels is undoubted. Reportedly, Nike Fit will resolve their inconsistencies with shoe sizes. This will definitely really drive their fans up a wall. Different labels and different shoes inexplicably have different size numbers for the same size. These concerns seem to have finally made its way to Nike, as the Swoosh brand is implementing new features to ensure that shopping for footwear is easier and less frustrating for it’s customers.

Nike Fit will be available as a feature on the app

Nike is using a new augmented reality feature in it’s app, that find the right fit for a user’s feet by measuring it. This will allow users to bypass painful process of finding the right sizes for shoes online, and especially help navigate the through the different size numbering standards that brands tend to use.

Nike using Augmented Reality to understand shoe fit?

Nike says the new feature will allow the user to measure their feet. This would  include the shape, size and the volume with a stunning accuracy of 2 millimetres. After taking measurements, the app suggests a specific shoe size for the style that the user is looking for. It also provides suggestions based on the past search history of people with similar measurements.

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This is no new gimmick, Nike are backing this all the way. They plan to promote the feature as one of the primary ones on the app, and even use it in their retail stores as well. The accuracy and the usability of the feature in the real world still remains to be tested.

Release date

Nike Fit feature is supposed to roll out in mid-2019

The feature is supposed to roll out in mid-2019. Nike confirmed that it will be available on their app for users in the US in July. Current plans further indicate that it will be available to European users by August as well. Quite an intuitive use of Augmented Reality, we’d say.


The post Nike Fit: Augmented Reality Feature To Know Your Exact Shoe Size appeared first on Hiptoro.

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