Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Google vs Huawei: Google stops Huawei from using Android Apps and Security Updates

The battle for the top Smartphone making company is taking new turns and twists each day with the new conflict, Google vs Huawei. It was surprising to see that Huawei, the Chinese smartphone maker almost sold the maximum number of mobiles in 2018.

Huawei might actually come out on top, but there are a few major problems ahead. The latest trouble is Google restricting Huawei from using Android apps and security updates.

Google is cutting Huawei’s access

Google vs Huawei

As per the recent reports, Google which makes the primary Android OS and all the updates is planning something severe against Huawei. Google is probably going to cut Huawei’s access to Android apps and services. Huawei won’t be able to use Google Play Store, Gmail, Chrome, Search, etc soon.

It could start a Google vs Huawei tech war, which can affect everyone. According to sources, Huawei will be left to only use the Android Open Source Project (ASOP) version of the OS.

Google vs Huawei: Reason for the conflict

The reason behind the Google vs Huawei conflict has nothing to do with their own dealings. It is due to the US Government banning Huawei from setting up 5G infrastructure in America. Following the USA, Australia and the UK has also blacklisted Huawei from operating in their countries.

The ban stops Huawei from purchasing key processors and chipset from US companies such as Qualcomm and Intel after the decision of US President Donald Trump. Google which primarily operates from California, US has no option but to abide by the decision and cut access to Huawei phones.

Future for Huawei

Google vs Huawei

Huawei officials have responded to the ban and assured users that it will not affect them as they have contingency plans in motion.

Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei said,

Our teams are complying with the order and reviewing the implications of the ban. For users of our services and smartphones, Google Play and all other security protections will continue to function on all the existing Huawei devices.

While Huawei seems to be ready with its own OS. It may still affect the brand due to the Google vs Huawei rivalry. The users outside China will have a hard time adjusting, and the long term effect would be harmful to Huawei.

The post Google vs Huawei: Google stops Huawei from using Android Apps and Security Updates appeared first on Hiptoro.

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