Friday, May 3, 2019

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 reactions: Funniest Memes from The Battle of Winterfell

Game of Thrones Season Episode 3 finally aired and it was both bloody and dark. With the end to the reign of White Walkers and character deaths, it was full of surprises and twists.

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The Night King is finally dead, now we can have Dany vs Cersei, but before the next episode airs, a lot of new memes have risen. Twitterati has gone crazy and made out memes out from The Long Night Episode. Here, have a look at the best of them and have a laugh.

Game of Memes


With the death of the Night King, people had a laugh telling him goodbye, from his dramatic poses to smirk, it was funny the way he died. People couldn’t stop their memes and the Night King brought out the best laugh which is itself a cold irony.


Jon Snow who is our fan favorite, but he couldn’t kill the Night King and was just running away yelling at a Dragon. People made memes for Jon Snow doing nothing and Arya killing the Night King which are the best part about Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3.


Remembering all the dead characters and adding new to the list, while it was sad to see our favorites die, the memes are here to make you smile.


Why was Bran just sitting there the whole time? While the answer is not known, but the memes are funny as hell making it more mysterious and awkward.


The third Episode was so dark that people couldn’t see anything and which made them make fun about it. People are sharing blank black screens as their favorite part of the Game of Thrones S08E03 on Twitter.

With the next Episode releasing soon, be sure to prepared for that. Stay tuned to Hiptoro for more Game of Thrones updates and other news.


The post Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 reactions: Funniest Memes from The Battle of Winterfell appeared first on Hiptoro.

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