Sunday, May 19, 2019

Donald Trump win still questionable; FBI uncertain if Russian hackers affected voter data in Florida and Illinois

Florida governor Ron DeSantis recently revealed that voter databases in two counties in the state had been penetrated by Russian hackers. Although he added that there was no sign suggesting that the data had been manipulated the FBI is investigating the issue because they are not certain about the claims. Florida representative Debbie Mucarsel-Powell also said that the FBI revealed to her that they were not certain if Russians manipulated the data or not.

FBI reveals the hacking was widespread

Donald Trump Russian HackersIn June of 2017, FBI investigators had revealed that the Russian hacking of voter databases encompassed a much larger spectrum than previously thought possible. They said that the cyberspies from Russia may have gained access to voter data in nearly 39 States. The report said that the hackers tried to delete or change voter data in Illinois and that they had access to to the software that was being used by poll workers on election day.

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Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by a narrow margin of 1.3% in Florida and it allowed him to win all 29 electoral college votes of the state.

Mueller report reveals malware installed

Donald Trump Russian HackersSpecial counsel Robert Mueller said in his report that the Russians hacked “a voting technology company that developed software used by numerous U.S. counties to manage voter rolls, and installed malware on the company network.”

It is uncertain whether the results were altered but if Clinton had won the 29 votes in Florida, her total would have been 261 and reduced Trump’s votes to 277. It means that if the results were altered in Illinois, as claimed by reports, the 20 total votes of the state could have made the difference in who would become the president.

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