Sunday, May 5, 2019

Chicago PD Season 6 episode 21: Will Antonio be able to overcome his drug addiction?

The 21st episode of Chicago PD Season 6 is said to be released on NBC in just a few weeks. The episode is titled Confession, and fans can expect a lot of twists and turns.

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Episode 21 Synopsis revealed

Chicago PD Season 6 Episode 21 Synopsis revealedThe synopsis of the episode was released recently and it appears that Antonio, played by John Seda is suffering from a guilty conscience while trying to bust a major drug dealer in the city.

On the other hand, things are also not good looking good for Keaton. The synopsis read that Voight will be taking a shot against Keaton so that he can protect his team.

Chicago PD Season 6: Antonio and Keaton’s struggle

Chicago PD Season 6: Antonio and Keaton’s struggleAntonio has also been struggling with an opioid addiction this season, not to mention the struggle he has been facing trying to take down the leader of the drug cartel. Fan speculations have suggested that he may be facing some familiar people in the showdown. It may trigger painful memories from the past.

On the other hand, Keaton is struggling to win the election for Mayor. Fans have been asking if he doesn’t win, who will take the place of the Mayor.

Catch the next episode of Chicago PD Season 6 on May 15, Wednesday on NBC.

The post Chicago PD Season 6 episode 21: Will Antonio be able to overcome his drug addiction? appeared first on Hiptoro.

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