Thursday, May 16, 2019

Borderlands 3 Gameplay: What’s new and what’s different from Borderlands 2?

Ever since the official Borderlands 3 gameplay was revealed, anticipation for the game has reached a fever pitch. The next installment of the hugely popular open-world first-person shooter will be released on September 13, 2019. But fans got their first taste of the Borderlands 3 gameplay when Gearbox Software did a live-stream reveal event on Twitch earlier this month.

So how different is Borderland 3 Gameplay from its predecessors? We break it down for the fans of the looter-shooter.

Guns Galore

Right off the bat, the first thing to get fans of the looter-shooter excited is the ridiculous gun count – almost a billion variants to be found throughout its open world. Additionally, many of these weapons come with alternative firing modes. We saw a pistol that could shoot off rockets, people! There are new effects to explore too – weapons that can be thrown on the ground to make walking turrets, for one.

Borderlands 3 Gameplay

Sliding and Vaulting

[This post contains video, click to play]

The studio has majorly revamped the movement mechanics for Borderlands 3. Players can now climb up boxes or vault up buildings, as well as slide around. It’s not just the players, though. The AI will have sliding and vaulting advantages as well, making opponents much quicker and more agile. The changes will help players navigate the environments much better. Speaking of the environments, characters will now have the ability to interact with the environment. Whether it is lighting fuel on fire or electrocuting water puddles, the environment will be interactive in many fun ways.

Vault Hunter Selection

The studio has stated that there are currently no plans to add new Vault hunters post-release. Currently, there are four characters for players to choose from, each with their unique skill tree and playing style.
Borderlands 3 Gameplay

However, we only know the abilities of two of these characters – Zane the Operative, focused on speed and firepower, and Amara the Siren, who is an expert at dishing out elemental effects. The other vault hunters to choose from are FL4K the Beastmaster and Moze the Gunner.

The post Borderlands 3 Gameplay: What’s new and what’s different from Borderlands 2? appeared first on Hiptoro.

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