Monday, May 20, 2019

Boeing C919 delay distresses China over Tariff war

While China is reportedly planning retaliatory tariffs on U.S imports, Boeing Co C919 Max adds another distress to China’s Tariff war with the United States.

On Monday, China announced that it will levy a 25% tariff increase on over 2,500 American products. While thousands of remaining products range from 5% to 10% will be subjected to.

It is also believed that China would make its retaliatory tariffs effective a minute after President Trump levies U.S tariffs on Chinese imports.

Hu Xijin’s skeptical move for China

Soon after China’s announcement, Editor-in-chief of Global Times of China, Hu Xijin, posted a tweet urging China to spot purchasing U.S goods with immediate effect.

Although Global Times’ tweet is not the voice of official government, abandoning U.S supplies can be a crucial move. It would most likely to pause the travel growth in China – at least for the moment.

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The consequences should be thoroughly considered.

China: A big Boeing Customer

A global grounding for over two months led by two fatal Max jet crashes has slowdown Boeing. Although it was once qualified as something as a national treasure, now is in a particularly vulnerable position

Certifying Boeing’s Max can be China’s prudent approach to leverage its position as a big Boeing Customer to its advantage.

As reported by Bloomberg News, in 2017 Chinese officials sought to use the approval of the Max as a way to negotiate more favourable regulatory treatment for home-grown jets being developed by Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China Ltd., or Comac.

China and U.S: The war continues…


Making a prime target of the U.S-China trade war, Boeing’s C919 certification test is going unreasonably slow. While China targeted the C919 roll out by 2021, a time delayed until 2025 is reportedly anticipated.

China cancels some of its existing orders with Boeing; undermining a backlog on Boeing’s survival situation. That is uncertain and questionable already!

The U.S-China trade war has reportedly escalated a tensed situation around the imports.

The post Boeing C919 delay distresses China over Tariff war appeared first on Hiptoro.

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