Imposters Season 3, a Bravo dark comedy series is due for renewal. The show was first premiered in February 2017. The series was renewed for another season a year after that. However, the third season of the show got cancelled. The viewership rating was apparently declining and the network didn’t have any choice.
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The first season was the fastest growing one as the viewers increased with each episode. The viewership records were truly promising with 1.4 million viewers per episode. However, things were not similar for the second series.
Imposters Season 3: Will the show hold up steady?
The decline in the viewership ratings amounted to fifty percent and more. It was only sensible for the network to cancel the show. There are other speculations as well for the cancellation of the show.
It was also claimed that Imposters was among the most underrated television series. The cancellation of the show is completely unfair.
According to sources, Bravo was working on getting rid of the scripted titles. Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce is the other show in the list of scripted titles. Many people are still debating about the cancellation of Imposters Season 3. But it is unlikely that the show will be renewed for another series.
The creators of the show were a little disappointed, but they thought that it was realistic. The economics of television is really complex now. Still, many fans have hopes that the show will be renewed by some other network.
Netflix could be the one to save the show after it got cancelled by Bravo. There is no official confirmation yet about Imposters Season 3. But if it happens, it will happen soon.
The post Imposters Season 3 release might happen after all, thanks to Netflix appeared first on Hiptoro.
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