The first episode of the last installment of Game of Thrones was released on April 14 and there is a lot happening already. The episode was received with excitement by eager fans, and we can barely wait for the next episode.
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But where are the iconic episodes being shot? As the season progresses, locations of Game of Thrones will be revealed. Majority of the show’s episodes were shot in Northern Ireland, sources have revealed.
Winterfell shot in Ireland
Julie Wakley, who is the Head of Tourism in the country spoke candidly about locations of the shoot. He said,
“Fans of the show are invited to re-live their favourite scenes from the fantasy drama in over 20 filming locations across this officially designated GoT territory.”
He further added that Game of Thrones lovers will easily identify the major locations of the iconic places in the show. He revealed that Winterfell is actually Castleward, Co. Down, and Iron Islands can be identified atBallinoy, Co. Antrim.
He also said that if fans visit these places, they may even encounter the famous Direwolves featured in the show. The magnificent beasts can be seen in the Tollymore Forest Park, where the scenes of the Haunted Forest north of The Wall were shot.
Location for King’s Landing revealed
On the other hand, GoT’s King’s Landing is actually located in Dubrovnik in Croatia. Klook’s chief revenue officer, Anita Ngai said,
“The capital of Croatia, Dubrovnik, doubles up as the Westeros capital and is among the most popular sites for our travellers.”
She also revealed that a lot of GoT tourists like to revist Old Town part of the capital, the location where Cersei Lannister took her walk of shame. On the other hand, Dorne is shot in Spain, along with Braavos. The latter is shot in Girona, a small town in Catalonia.
Game of Thrones returns with the second episode on April 21.
The post Game of Thrones locations: Where is GoT shot? appeared first on Hiptoro.
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