Monday, February 11, 2019

What Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Could Discuss at Hanoi Summit

Donald Trump, President of United States and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un will be meeting again for peace talks. This second round of the much-anticipated meeting will be held soon.

Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce the scheduled meeting with Kim Jong Un

The president of United States, Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce the recently planned meeting with Kim Jong Un.trump-kim-jong-un-second-summit-hanoi

Singapore summit which was held last year was the very first time when president Donald Trump had met Kim Jong Un. Post Singapore summit it was hailed to be very successful by both Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.

In a recent tweet, president Donald Trump revealed the date and location of the next meeting with the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un.
Earlier only the name of the country i.e Vietnam was known to us.

This scheduled summit will be a follow up to the one in Singapore summit.

Donald Trump also said that his representatives have left North Korea post a productive meeting. In the tweet, Donald Trump also mentions that his representatives have agreed upon the time and date for a second summit with Kim Jong Un.

Hanoi Summit: date and location

Donald Trump also gave the details of the second summit’s location stating that it will take place at Hanoi in Vietnam. The dates when the Hanoi summit will take place will be 27th and 28th of February.

In the tweet, Donald Trump further says that he is looking forward to meeting Kim Jong Un so as to advance the cause of peace.

Hanoi Summit: will Kim Jong Un attend?

The official confirmation is yet to be approved by North Korea. Even Kim Jong Un has made no mention of appearing in the Hanoi summit in the meeting with the top brass of the People’s Army of Korea.

The State Department has said in a statement that during the three day Stephen Biegun trip, he has explored Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un’s commitments.


The secong summit will be held at Hanoi
Source: Japan Times

These commitments are regarding complete denuclearization which in turn will transform US-DPRK relations. The commitments will also help in building of peace which will be lasting for the Korean Peninsula.

In the previous summit at Singapore, Kim Jong Un had pleaded for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. However, there has not been any further conclusions regarding the matter.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un have since then stalled upon deciding what denuclearization means to both.

It is expected that the talks between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will continue on the same line. The talks will be towards the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. It will also focus on building the US-DPRK relations as well as on the security matters.

Though the supreme leader, Kim Jong Un is pretty keen on denuclearization, it is certain that he will not be destroying the existing nuclear arsenal. What the two leaders make of the Hanoi summit is yet to be seen. We fervently hope the Hanoi summit will bring peace to the world in all.

Source: CNBC, The Guardian

The post What Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un Could Discuss at Hanoi Summit appeared first on Hiptoro.

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