Wednesday, February 6, 2019

‘One Piece’ Chapter 932 Spoilers, Release & Raw Scans: Orochi and Kyoshiro Share a Dialogue

One Piece Chapter 932 is expected to release on February 11 in Shonen Jump Issue. However, as usual, this time too, spoilers and raw scans have leaked almost a week before the official release!

Before we begin, here is a gentle reminder. HipToro or any writer associated with the site has absolutely no connection to the creation of the One Piece Chapter 932 spoilers that are going to be mentioned in the post. These leaked raw scans and spoilers were all found on the web from unknown sources. We’re simply sharing them with you for chapter discussions.  That being said, here are the One Piece Chapter 932 spoilers, raw scans, and predictions in all their glory!

One Piece Chapter 932 spoilers and predictions

While nothing has been officially confirmed yet, leaked information from sources tells us that the title of the upcoming One Piece Chapter 932 is going to be “Shogun and Oiran”. The chapter cover will be featuring Caesar Clown who has apparently written something on a paper and a goat has eaten it.

The One Piece Chapter 932 leaked spoilers also reveal that Robin will be caught by Orochi Oniwabanshu. Robin gets attacked Fukurokuju but the attack gets missed and hits nothing because Robin made a fake of herself. She escapes, and while doing that she calls Nami, Brook, and Shinubo and lets them know that there are ninjas around.

In the next scene, Orochi is seen talking to Toki about “20th year after Oden died”. While one of his subordinates doesn’t agree to it and says that they are getting tired of hearing the same story again, Toki continues anyway and says that Oden’s will is still alive. Orochi points out that he respects the Nine Red Scabbard and Kinemon might one day become a good leader. While it is not directly mentioned, it is being hinted that Orochi somehow knows that Kinemon was behind the incident that happened not too long ago.

Kyoshiro then says that he hopes they get revived so that, he along with Orochi can take them down. The conversation was going on at its normal pace but Otoko’s laugh then angers Orochi and turns himself into his Zoan form. With all this happening, Kyoshiro is also forced to take out his sword.

One Piece Chapter 932 raw scans

As of now only one raw page from One Piece Chapter 932 has been leaked. We’ve added it below.

‘One Piece’ Chapter 932

‘One Piece’ Chapter 932 release date

Since there haven’t been any announcements that say otherwise, One Piece Chapter 932 will release on time on February 11. However, for those who’re impatient, rest assured that not only will we see more leaks and spoilers surface as the release date comes closer, full-page digital scans of the whole chapter should be out pretty soon too.

Source from Redon, Scotchinformer and Mangatail.

Chapter Title: Shogun and Oiran

Cover Page: Caesar is writing a hiring poster devotedly to hire people to help him build lethal weapons. A goat is eating his paper.


At the banquet, everyone is immersed in the music Komurasaki is playing.Oniwabanshu questioned Robin. Robin claimed herself to be Witching Hour Boy and that she is here to investigate the money flow in the Flower Capital.The head of Oniwabanshu gives order to arrest Robin. Robin is attacked. The next second she turns into flower petals and escapes. Yup that Robin is merely a substitute using her DF power. While escaping, Robin contacts Nami, Shinobu, and Brook and tells them there are at least 11 ninjas in the mansion.The head of Oniwabanshu orders them to continue pursuing Robin. Robin returns to the banquet.Orochi shouts at the people at the banquet: It’s the 20th year after Kouzuki Oden’s death and is said to be the year of revenge according to his wife. Oden’s will still exists in this world.One of his men appears to be impatient and says: Here he goes again…Orochi goes on: “Do you remember the extraordinary power of the Nine Red Scabbards? The one with leadership skills among them, Kinemon, is a man with a quick and smart mind! “”They will revive after these 20 years and get prepared!!! In order to take my head!!! “His men don’t care a bit about his words.Orochi mentions the Yokotsuna incident in Kuri, the fact that Jack’s henchmen were attacked, and the soba-stand incident (Sanji), the fact that Yakuza were attacked by the Ronin (Zoro). “They were all directed by Kinemon behind the curtain!”Upon hearing Orochi’s words, Kyroshiro tells him “I wish the Kinemon’s Nine Red Scabbards appear! I’ll take them down without even blinking.”Orochi immediately praises Kyroshiro and continues: “Oden died in front of my eyes but his son is still alive! No one has ever found that brat’s corpse! The bloodline of the Kouzuki Clan has not been ended! They are still working to revive the Kouzuki Clan! I believe that they want Kaido’s head too.”His men are trying very hard not to laugh. They think that their boss is delusional.And they hear laughing – from O-toko.Orochi is furious for someone laughing at him. He wants to kill O-toko but Komurasaki stands out and stops him.Orochi still wields his sword. Komurasaki stands in front of O-toko and slaps Orochi right on his face.Everyone is panicked and one of them tells Komurasaki to “kneel and apologize immediately”.Komurasaki is dead serious and says: “I will not bend my knees to anyone! You can kill me, a harmless woman, but I’m a samurai’s daughter and I will never yield or surrender!”Orochi is so furious that he turns into Yamata no Orochi. Komurasaki is facing danger.At the same time, Oniwabanshu finds Robin. Everything is in chaos, and Kyroshiro clenches the hilt of his katana. END.

No break next week.

Additional Info:

There’s a double page of Orochi’s form, 2 heads in the right page and 6 on the left.


Source: Reddit

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